Well, here are the first two Dark Eldar I've assembled. Yes, I have the models early. No, I won't tell you my secret.
I got them in the mail yesterday and was all psyched up for my holiday today thinking I could build to my heart's content. Yea, then I woke up feeling like I got kicked in the head by a horse and promptly took myself to the nearest ER. Turns out I have the flu. So, instead of doing lots of work, I only got two models assembled.
The models themselves are fantastic. By GW standards there is very little flash. The legs AND torsos are two parts, but they fit together pretty well. The shoulder guard is probably the only part that looks a little wonky. You can see that in the pictures. The chains, though, look extremely crisp and I'm happy with those. Didn't notice when I was taking the pictures, but a piece of mold line I was cleaning is on the left hand guy's cheek. That's just crap flash and not on the model.
Hopefully as I recover I'll be getting more stuff done. Getting the flu now feels like some sort of divine retribution for my getting the models early. God says, "Yea, you got your models early, now suffer this horrible contagion until the actual release date!"