Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Trolls. WIPs.

So, more Trollkin. Here are my first three champions for the TGN Battle Challenge. As you can see, there's not a whole lot to see...yet. I figured to help keep me motivated I'll post every couple of days regardless of what state things are in. Also, I thought I might try giving a step-by-step of how I paint my figs.

For these guys the first thing I did was base the skin of the guy on the left, but I decided that was a stupid idea as the metal is far more prominent so I should get that out of the way first. This also has an added benefit as far as cranking up the speed a notch. I'll get to that in a minute.

So my first area to paint is the metal. I used Citadel's chainmail. I like chainmail because later on when I do the wash later it won't totally mute it; so while some people might think boltgun or an equivalent would be better, I pick the slightly brighter color. Next, I tackle the leather with Citadel Foundation color Calthan brown. Again, a good midtone that the wash won't mute too much. Lastly, before the wash, I picked out some pieces of metal to hit with Citadel's Dwarf bronze. This just helps break up the monotony of seeing all the metal done in steel/iron colors.

Once the base coat was done, (which I recommend trying to keep at least somewhat neat as it will save you time later cleaning up misses,) I went in with a wash. I used Citadel Badab black wash and Devlan mud wash in an even 50/50 mix. (I love this mix and I actually keep a bottle of this stuff pre-mixed. It's just that good.) I slathered the wash all over the model. This wash does a good chunk of my shading work for me.

And, that's it for today! Next up will be skin. Oh, and just to be an ass, yes, the models are sitting on my brand new copy of FoW: Mercenaries and the book being used as a backdrop is indeed the new collector's edition of Warhammer Fantasy. (The boys in England got that to me right quick.)

Monday, July 5, 2010


So I was trolling around YouTube and I came across the video for Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing" and it made me incredibly homesick. Don't ask me why. I don't have any deep seeded connection to Dire Straits. Maybe the whole reflection on American society and our rampant consumerism is what did me in. Then again, Japan has rampant consumerism, but I guess they don't care enough to make scathing, (couched in a catchy pop tune,) social commentary on the phenomenon. So I highly suggest you go over to YouTube and watch Dire Straits. Just because.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Trolls Incoming!

An update! If you are familiar with Tabletop Gaming News you might know they are currently running a Hordes Mk. II Battle Challenge. The basic premise is that you pick a new Hordes army and follow along with the scheduled goals. By the end you should have a fully painted army and a few games under your belt. I don't know if I'll be getting the games in, although I'm going to try converting a friend of mine into a gamer, but I really want to try and use the challenge as motivation to get some stuff painted. So, without further ado, here are my first two Trolls. A pair of Impalers.